Mobile Monday: Sister Cities

For the inaugural post of Mobile Monday, here's a shot I took by the Los Angeles City Hall, using my iPhone4 & Hipstamatic App.  Being a LA native for the last 20 years, I know only a few of us have ever seen this Sister Cities signage unless you work around the area.  So if this is your first time seeing this signage, drop by and take a snapshot of it the next you visit downtown for whatever reason (i.e. jury duty, lil' tokyo, city hall, etc.. ) Hopefully everyone in LA survived through this past weekend's hyped up "carmageddon" and enjoyed a nice quiet weekend away from the freeways.  Speaking of carmageddon, check this out, "planking" on the 405 freeway!



P.S. - Let me know if you guys have any feedbacks on the installment of Mobile Monday..  I use my phone as a camera everywhere I go due to its portability so I figure this would be a good forum to post some of the photos from it!